I am sure all you faithful blog readers have noticed that I have not been nearly as faithful in posting pregnancy updates this time around as I was when I was pregnant with Becca. So goes life, I suppose! Becca keeps me quite busy these days, and soon it'll be time to write an 18 month update on her! Crazy!
It is also crazy to think that I am in the final stretch of this pregnancy. For those of you who don't know, it's a GIRL! We have decided on the name Adaline Beth. It was harder this time to pick a name, but we finally settled on one. We love the name Adaline, which means "noble." We chose the middle name Beth to honor a dear friend of my family that went home to be with the Lord recently. She was a precious, sweet lady who touched so many people. She was a faithful wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt and friend...to so many, and she was a true and shining example of someone who simply lived out her faith in Jesus Christ. She was deeply loved by so many people and is greatly missed.
As far as my pregnancy goes, I am so ready to have this baby! I have been feeling a lot more aches and pains as the weeks go on, and its been a little hard! I've been feeling a lot of back and hip pain, and in the last two weeks the biggest struggle has been sciatic nerve pain on my right side. I didn't have this at all when I was pregnant with Becca. It comes whenever I've been sitting for more than 5 or 10 minutes. It's pretty painful, but goes away when I get up and move around. Driving anywhere has been hard, because I can't move around to relieve it.
Just like around this time in my last prregnancy, sleeping is getting harder. It is just difficult to get comfortable and stay comfortable, so I'm restless most nights. Thankfully I am able to rest when Becca takes a nap - I am so thankful that she is still a good napper!
Little miss Addie is very, very active - just like her big sister was in the womb! It is fun to feel her moving all around in there.
I have my glucose test this week, to test for gestational diabetes, and I will start seeing the doctor every two weeks instead of once a month! That is definitely a sign that the due date is right around the corner!
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