Monday, August 15, 2016

Becca - Day 12

In a way it's flown by. In another, it really hasn't. Becca is twelve days old! She has changed so much since the day she was born.
We are so enjoying getting to know our baby girl! We can already see her personality peeking through!
We are amazed at how perfect she is. Knit together by the Lord in the most wonderful way. We are so grateful for her and that God gave us this treasure that we truly don't deserve!
Becca has been doing amazingly well.....she is doing 4 and 5 hour stretches of sleep at night which is amazing!
She had her first doctors appointment on Wednesday, and she is doing wonderfully! She was 8 lbs. 15 oz., so getting right back up to her birth weight.
Nursing is going fabulously well....and I am so extremely grateful! Becca has taken to it super well, and now we are a great team. :)

And of are some cute pictures of our precious one!

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