Monday, November 11, 2013

I am so blessed!

I pull in the driveway after work on Saturday, November 2. I say hi to Dad, Edward and Jon who are loading wood outside. I go in. I put my stuff away. I look outside to see that Mom and the girls are pulling in the driveway. The phone rings. I pick it up, It's Mom. She tells me to come outside, we needed to go somewhere. I get in the van which everyone is now sitting in. We drive to our friend, Martha's house. I see a car that isn't normally there in the yard. We all pile out. Mom hands me a card from Grampa Dave. Then she hands me a set of keys. She turns on her camera and shows me a video from Grampa. On it he says, "Enjoy the car, drive's been a long time coming - but it's finally here!"

Sitting on the lawn at Martha's is a Subaru Legacy, my new car!

I can't believe it!

Thank you so much, Grampa!!

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